Mac OS X 10.7.5 آدم منطقی، سعی می کند خود را با دنیا تطابق دهد. اما آدم غیرمنطقی سعی می کند دنیا را با خود تطابق دهد. On Mac, Linux & Chrome OS Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds, alternately known as Nexus TK or simply Nexus, is an MMORPG, currently run in the US by Kru Interactive. Nexus began as a U.S. Version of the Korean game 바람의 나라 (Baram) developed by Nexon Inc. Of Korea, and is loosely based on Korean mythology and on a series of graphic novels. System Preferences - Sharing - ดูแถบทางซ้าย เลือก Internet Sharing - เลือกแชร์เน็ตจาก Ethernet - ตรงช่องล่างติ๊กถูกตรง Wi-Fi ครับ System Preferences - Sharing - ดูแถบทางซ้าย เลือก Internet Sharing - เลือกแชร์เน็ต. Baram is a Diplomant of the International Society for Convulsive Therapy. In Vadim Baram Inc clinic. The modern techniques and technicians guaranteeing positive takes are applied. Programs of treatment are developed by leading experts and include therapy by the checked, safe medicines, psychotherapy and psychological consultation. Baram is a Diplomant of the International Society for Convulsive Therapy. In Vadim Baram Inc clinic. The modern techniques and technicians guaranteeing positive takes are applied. Programs of treatment are developed by leading experts and include therapy by the checked, safe medicines, psychotherapy and psychological consultation.

A number of settings on a Mac are stored in Non-Volatile RAM, or NVRAM. NVRAM has a number of keys that contain values that define how the hardware is configured on a device that aren’t otherwise stored in the settings of an operating system.

You can list all of the variables available using the -p option, as follows:

nvram -p

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Variables in the available key pairs are managed using the nvram command as well. Each setting, which we’ll provide a list of below, can then be edited provided you have elevated privileges to do so, without any options defined. Most values are true and false and will need to be supplied as %01 for true and %00 for false. As an example, the following command will turn on Location Services on a Mac:

nvram LocationServicesEnabled =%01

And the following will turn it back off:

nvram LocationServicesEnabled=%00

Some settings won’t apply to certain models if the hardware doesn’t support that setting, but the following is a list of settings available on most models:

  • ac-rk-token
  • act-results: The results of the last Apple Diagnostics or Apple Hardware Test.
  • ALS_Data and Test_ALS_Data
  • AutoBoot: Defines how the system boots (e.g. %00-%03)
  • blacklight-level: Defines the level of the backlight (e.g. %d9%0a)
  • bluetoothActiveControllerInfo: Shows information about the active Bluetooth Controller (e.g. %8f%82%ac%05%02%00%00%003%14dv%ba%b5%c3A)
  • bluethoothInternalControllerInfo: Shows information about the internal Bluetooth Controller (e.g. %00%ac%05%00%00%00%00%00%00%8c%85%90@%a4k)
  • bodega-boot-to-black
  • boot-args: Provides for arguments for use when booting the kernel (or instructions sent to the kernel such as don’t bring any chicken, er, I mean don’t allow 32-bit software to be run or disable rootless (sudo nvram boot-args=“rootless=0″). Also includes:
    • debug=0x1d4e
    • debugshell=2
    • kdp_match_name=mojo
    • watchdog=0
    • smc=0x2
    • -pbmkp rtc=1
    • nvme=0x1
    • medetect_panic=1
    • dither=0
    • legacy_hda_tools_support=1
    • intcoproc_unrestricted=1
    • -tconpanic
    • -pbmkp
    • -v: boots in verbose mode
  • BootAudio: Indicates whether the startup chime will be played on models from 2017 or earlier (e.g. %00 or %01)
  • caterr-reset-disable:
  • csr-active-config: Shows the policy on third party kernel extensions (e.g. %ff)
  • csr-data: Defines a policy on third party kernel extensions
  • DisableEfiPackageCstates
  • display-config: Resolution for supported displays.
  • EFIBluetoothDelay: Time system waits for a wireless keyboard during boot (useful in data centers)
  • efi-Apple-payload0, eft-apple-payload0-data, efi-apple-payload1, and efi-apple-payload2: UUID, EFI path, etc (e.g. <array><dict><key>IOMatch</key><dict><key>IOProviderClass</key><string>IOMedia</string><key>IOPropertyMatch</key><dict><key>UUID</key><string>7CD53879-001B-4AC9-8D3C-13768C6883B9</string></dict></dict><key>BLLastBSDName</key><string>disk0s1</string></dict><dict><key>IOEFIDevicePathType</key><string>MediaFilePath</string><key>Path</key><string>EFIAPPLEUPDATERSMULTIUPDATERThorUtil.efi</string></dict></array>)
  • efi-apple-recovery: Path to firmware information
  • efi-backup-boot-device-data: path to a backup efi file
  • efi-backup-boot-device-data-data: Same as above but encoded (I think).
  • efi-boot-device: Path with efi but with last booted (BLLastBSDName)
  • efi-boot-device-data: Just the path to the efi file with the UUID directory
  • Eos-fdr-cache-uuid: The UUID, but not the useful one used elsewhere
  • eos-restore-failure-uuids
  • fmm-computer-name: The name given to the computer at boot time
  • gpu-policy: Enables the GPU on some models of computers
  • HW_BOOT_DATA: Hardware boot data
  • InstallWindowsUEFI
  • LocationServicesEnabled: Enables (e.g. %01) or disables (e.g. %00) location services
  • multiupdater-0: Encoded multi updater used in efi-apple-payload0
  • previous-system-uuid: Previous uuid used, if available.
  • prev-lang:kbd: The previously selected keyboard language (e.g. en-US:0, en:2, GB:2)
  • security-mode: Used on some models to enable firmware passwords
  • security-password: When security-mode is used, used to set the firmware password
  • SmcFlasherResult (e.g. %00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00)
  • SystemAudioVolume: How loud the audio volume is (e.g. 7)
  • SystemAudioVolumeDB: Audio volume encoded %de which decodes to 222
  • ThorUpdateResult: Thunderbolt updater (e.g. %00%00%00%00%00%00%00%00)

The above list is not complete as I’ve not managed to change all of these in a useful manner. If you know what one is that I didn’t define, let me know! If you get in over your head, never fear, the following article will allow you to clear the values back to defaults:

Cisco, NetApp, Qlogic, the former Xserve RAID and a number of other appliances I’ve used over the years also use nvram to store similar variables. I’ll try and write up the similarities and discrepancies at some point. And good luck if you’re mucking around with this stuff.

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Oral History Interviews




Richelle Benjamin

Interview Date

Baram Mac Os Download



1 pdf file, 1 video file


David Baram, state representative from Bloomfield, gives his perspective on the 1985 Bloomfield residency case involving four parents, including Hartford mother Saundra Foster, who were arrested for enrolling their children in Bloomfield schools. Representative Baram was the mayor of Bloomfield during the time this case was taking place. Baram explains that the majority of politicians in the town were unaware of the problem of line jumping prior to the arrests made in 1985, saying that it was entirely the school board’s decision to go to the police—a decision that was later criticized by many other surrounding districts. Today, David Baram supports the decriminalization of the act of crossing district boundary lines and proposes a more regionalized approach to education in the state of Connecticut. He argues that with shared resources, students from multiple districts can all benefit from improved schools.


School Residency and Civil Rights

Recommended Citation

Baram, David. Oral history interview on School Residency and Civil Rights by Richelle Benjamin for the Cities, Suburbs, and Schools Project, June 1, 2013. Available from the Trinity College Digital Repository, Hartford Connecticut (

Streaming Media


Baram Mac Os Catalina


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